Hosted Payment Pages

Fexco Hosted Payment Pages

Fexco’s Hosted Payment Pages can easily customized to the  look and feel of your website or application. You can style and design the page for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
The HPP will automatically render the correct template depending on what device your customer is using.

Moreover, Fexco’s HPP takes away all your hassle to manage sensitive card data. Avoid the hassle of managing sensitive card numbers and being PCI compliant. 
Benefits of HPP
  1. HPP can be fully customised to the look and feel of your website
  2. No cost of PCI audits, saving thousands of dollars.
  3. Fully responsive payment pages
  4. Auopolulate stored cards using tokens and allow customers to save new cards
  5. Simple integration to managed services
  6. DCC enabled

Types of Hosted Payment Pages

  1. Redirect Payment Page

    Complete redirect to the Fexco hosted payment page.
  2. Iframe

    Only a frame on the merchant payment page will be hosted by Fexco
  3. LightBox